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  • Writer's pictureNatalia Lakes

How to Uncover Values That Resonate With Your True Essence

Updated: Apr 22

  1. Reflect on your experiences: Take some time to reflect on your past experiences, both positive and negative. What moments in your life have made you feel truly fulfilled, proud, or content? Conversely, what experiences have left you feeling unsatisfied or unfulfilled? Pay attention to the emotions associated with these experiences.

  2. Identify your core beliefs: What do you stand for? What are your non-negotiables? These core beliefs reflect your deepest values.

  3. Examine your role models: Consider the people you admire. What qualities or values do they possess that you find inspiring? The values we admire in others are also the values that resonate with our true selves.

  4. Explore your passions: What activities or pursuits bring you joy and fulfillment? Your passions align with your values because they reflect what truly matters to you.

  5. Consider your strengths: Reflect on your strengths and talents. What activities allow you to leverage these strengths? Your values are often intertwined with the things you excel at and feel naturally drawn to.

  6. Evaluate your priorities: Take a close look at how you allocate your time, energy, and resources. What aspects of your life do you prioritize above all else? Your priorities offer insights into your underlying values.

  7. Journaling: Spend some time writing about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Journal prompts can help you uncover insights you might not have been aware of otherwise.

  8. Seek feedback: Consider seeking feedback from trusted friends, family members, or mentors. Ask them what they perceive to be your core values and how they see those values manifesting in your life.


Uncovering your values is an ongoing journey. As you continue to deepen your understanding of your true essence, your values will become clearer and more aligned with who you are at your core.


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