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  • Writer's pictureNatalia Lakes

Mortality as Life’s Greatest Teacher. A Guide to Conquering Fears and Insecurities

Are you tired of your fears and insecurities running amok in the carnival of your mind? Fear not! (Pun intended, of course.) In this practical guide, we'll embark on a journey through the murky depths of our anxieties, armed with nothing but a sprinkle of wisdom. So, fasten your seatbelts, or better yet, toss them aside, because we're about to take a joyride through the rollercoaster of self-discovery.

Our adventure begins in the cozy confines of childhood, where innocuous fears reign supreme. Remember the terror of the dark, when every shadow morphed into a lurking monster waiting to pounce? Oh, the lengths we went to avoid that dreaded closet or under-the-bed abyss.

As we venture into adolescence, our fears take on a more social flavor. The awkward dance of teenage angst is full of the fear of rejection, of being deemed uncool by our peers. Ah, the horror!

Adulthood. A time when we trade in our youthful insecurities for the more refined fears of responsibility and failure. The dread of bills piling up. The gnawing anxiety of not living up to society's expectations, of falling short of our own lofty aspirations.

From the childish phobias of monsters under the bed to the existential angst of midlife crises, every fear, every apprehension ultimately leads us back to the same stark realization: our mortality. Amidst the sea of grown-up worries, death waits patiently in the wings, ready to steal the spotlight when the time is right. We are but fleeting creatures in the grand scheme of existence.

Mortality reminds us that time is, quite literally, of the essence. With our metaphorical hourglass slowly trickling away, we are compelled to seize the day like a ferocious squirrel seizing a nut – with gusto.

Imagine you're at a buffet, and the waiter informs you that the dessert cart is about to make its final round before the kitchen closes. Suddenly, those lukewarm mashed potatoes seem far less appetizing compared to the decadent strawberry ice cream beckoning you from across the room. Similarly, when conscious of the finite nature of our existence, we're nudged to prioritize the things that truly matter – love, laughter, and perhaps strawberry ice cream.

Moreover, mortality serves as the ultimate reality check in a world often clouded by trivialities. Picture yourself embroiled in a heated debate over fashion don’ts when, suddenly, the thought of your impending demise crashes into your consciousness like a runaway freight train. In that moment, the frivolity of your fashion conversation becomes glaringly apparent.

But fear not, dear reader, for embracing mortality is not all doom and gloom – it's also an invitation to dance in the rain of existence, to savor the bittersweet symphony of life's absurdity.


For in embracing the absurdity of our fears, we find a strange sort of liberation. For what is life if not a cosmic joke, a fleeting moment of laughter in the face of oblivion? So let us raise a toast to fear, that mischievous trickster who leads us down dark alleys only to reveal the light at the end of the tunnel.

So, next time you find yourself grappling with the existential ennui of existence, remember: we're all just cosmic clowns pirouetting on the tightrope of time, so we might as well embrace the chaos and dance like nobody's watching.


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